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Back Mechanic

A MUST read for anyone with low back pain.

Ultimate Back Fitness & Performance

By far my favourite training resource. My training philosophy is primarily based on this book, and every “DAM” trainer should have a copy of this book.

Gift of Injury

A nice complementary book to “Back Mechanic” and “Ultimate Back Fitness & Performance” that is designed for the “strength” athlete.

Low Back Disorders

If you’re looking to begin taking your knowledge about back injuries to a God-like level, then this is your resource.

Inversion Table

While an inversion table is not for everyone, I do credit this device as the “best” accessory tool for my recovery from an L5-S1 herniated disc. Teeter makes a “solid” inversion table that I still use to date.

Essentials of Strength & Conditioning 4th edition

A must read book for any strength & conditioning coaches planning to work in the college, university or professional sports sector.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes

Do you know why some movements provoke pain, and others don’t? Do you know how to identify good and poor movements patterns? If you don’t – then you should check this book out by physical therapist, Dr. Shirley Sharaman.


A personalized back support that helps promote ideal sitting posture and enhances low back health. A great product for the person that is required to sit all day.


A solid back support that is mobile friendly and easy to use.


Back Pain and trouble sleeping? This back support has been shown to reduce disc stress and is perhaps a worthwhile investment.

Basic Biomechanics

If you want to enhance performance and prevent injuries from developing, you need to understand biomechanics.

The Supple Leopard

Dr. Kelly Starrett has done a lot for the Strength & Conditioning and Physical Therapy industries. Dr. Starrett’s book is an excellent resource for all coaches, trainers and therapists.

Speed Trap

Not really a training resource per se, but an insightful book about the history of Charlie Francis and his training methodology.

Charlie Francis Training Systems

For the price, it’s worth the read.


Is icing helpful for injury recovery? Or is icing perhaps doing harm to recovery? Written by Gary Reinl and a foreword by Dr. Kelly Starett, this is a cool read in which Gary dives into the potential negative effects of icing.

The Power of Moments

Giving gifts on a birthday is a nice gesture. But there are more moments than a birthday that one can stand out and be memorable. A great read for anyone working in the service industry.

Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work

Do you have trouble with making decisions or perhaps you have tunnel vision? This book is eye opening to the amount of choices and options one may have. Highly recommend.