3 Tips For Finding The Right Coach

In a recent conversation with a former client – one question I asked her was:

“Why did you choose me to be your coach?”

She responded with 3 answers. 

1. Education“I’m an educator and when I go on youtube – I’m researching stuff. I tend to gravitate to people who are trying to help me understand my situation. All of your videos did that and helped me gravitate towards getting to know you more.”

2. Availability“The ability to contact you. Your response to comments on videos are very fast, and it made me very comfortable to continue talking with you.”

3. Personality“You’re very calm and relaxing. Very welcoming. It’s easy to talk to you, and I got the vibe you like to help people. That made me comfortable, and you come across as a nice guy. I’m a patient person, and it attracted me towards you. Also, going through the same problem as you, a disc herniation – made it easy for me to relate to you.”

My former client shared some interesting insight. And I feel it makes for some good lessons for anyone trying to find the right coach.


Finding The Right Coach


1. Education

As a person trying to find the right coach – you need to ask yourself – does this coach have education on topic XYZ

And do they get results?

People trying to exercise around low back pain and return to weightlifting or athletics is my go too. Developing hockey and basketball athletes are two areas I’m comfortable working in as well. 

But if you were to ask me about coaching a football player or helping someone lose weight – I could probably do it. But I’m far from the person that will get the best results in those areas. 

If you want the best results – find the coach that specializes in your goals. 

2. Availability

As a person trying to find the right coach. Ask yourself – does this coach care? Does he care about his clients? What do his friends, family, clients and subscribers say about him?

No one wants to work with a coach who is not there for them or doesn’t care.

If a coach is reputable in their community, then this is a good sign.

3. Personality

A coach who is intolerant, and unwelcoming is not someone you’d want to hire.

Every coach has a different style. And you need to make sure that the coaches style fits you.

Some coaches are asswholes. Other coaches are super friendly. And some are both.

You need to find what style works best for you.



As far as finding the right coach goes – be sure to find a coach you can work with every day and can guide you.

Imagine having a beer with your coach.

Or a 4-hour car ride?

Could you?

Would you enjoy it? 

If you don’t think you could – then the coach is probably not right for you.



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