Things to Read to Help Slay Your Day: 02/20/2019

It’s February 20th. And we’re back with another edition of “Things to Read to Help Slay Your Day.” 

Interesting Fact. February 20th, 1993 is the day Ferruccio Lamborghini, founder of Lamborghini passed away. Considering Lamborghini is still thriving today, you can say Ferruccio was an incredible entrepreneur. And his legacy will live on for a LONG time. 

Today I’m sharing with you 2 articles (1 business and 1 strength & conditioning) and a demonstration of a new exercise I’ve been using with clients that I think you’ll find helpful!

Snapping Hips on Deadbugs – This is a great article to a common problem I see and experience myself. I’ve found that reducing the range of motion and creating a stronger brace (like Dean mentions) during the deadbug helps prevent snapping hips, but eccentrically lengthening the hip in a position of abduction may help too. I find that abducting the hip may reposition one of the hip flexors tendons in a way that it doesn’t snap along the femoral head.

Protecting Your Gym’s Secret Sauce – Worth the Hassle? – When I first started in the strength and conditioning industry (5 years ago), I heard of a local gym owner who wouldn’t share his training philosophy or let new coaches observe his gym. Too me this sounded a bit arrogant, and it turned me off. I don’t think future coaches would have an interest in working for a gym-owner that is arrogant enough that they’ll close the door to other coaches or people trying to learn. Perhaps a poor culture? Anyways, this article from Pete Dupuis, one of the industry leaders in the business of fitness gave me flashbacks. 

1-Arm Cable Row with Offset KB Hold – This is an exercise I got from Eric Cressey, and I’ve been in love with it. The 1-Arm Cable Row with Offset KB Hold is a nice progression to the regular 1-Arm Cable Row. The offset KB Hold offers a rotatory and lateral core stability challenge, and I’ve put this progression into a few of my clients’ program’s; they’re enjoying the variation. 


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